A new life is precious and a gift from God. We would be delighted if you would like your child to be baptised (christened) at St George’s Toddington or at All Saints, Chalgrave. Revd Linda Washington will be happy to help you prepare to take this next exciting step.
Baptisms usually take place during the main Sunday morning service, with the congregation sharing in your joy and promising to play a part in encouraging and supporting you as you help your child to develop spiritually and learn about their faith. We promise to provide a safe and welcoming space for your family in Church and help you to feel comfortable in worship. It is also possible to consider a baptism outside the Sunday Service.
Thanksgiving for the birth of a child We also offer special thanksgiving prayers following the birth a child and this is a lovely way to celebrate the arrival of a new baby with family and friends in church.
Adult Baptism & Confirmation Adults too come to church to be christened and this can be a profoundly moving experience. We will offer some preparation beforehand, and the Bishop will be involved in confirming you soon afterwards.
About our Font New life in the waters of Baptism
The font is a very important piece of church furniture. When someone wishes to be a follower of Jesus they come to the font to be baptised. It is here that new Christians are born. We say that we are 'christened’.
What happens at Baptism?
Jesus was baptised in the water of the River Jordan. Baptism means ‘plunging’ and to share in the newlife that Jesus offers we are plunged into the water of the Font at our own baptism.
The font bowl is filled with water which is blessed and made holy. Some churches have fonts which are large enough for people to be submerged completely under the water.
Our font bowl is quite small and so water is poured generously over the head of the person being baptised. The water has symbolic meaning: it washes away and drowns out everything which prevents us from having a close relationship with God.
When we are baptised with water we are born anew. It is through our baptism that we share in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit breathes new life into our hearts so that we are able to grow in likeness to Jesus.
The large candle which stands next to the font reminds us that Jesus is the Light of the World. When we are baptised God asks us to reflect that light as we journey through life.
The dragonfly which sits on the of the font bowl in St George’s Church is an ancient symbol of Resurrection, of new life. It is a reminder to us of the changes which take place at the font when we are baptised.
The dragonfly begins life as a little water bug - you can see one lying in the bottom of our font bowl. It lives in the grimy water and mud at the bottom of a river or pond. But the little creature doesn’t stay a water bug forever. When it reaches a certain stage in life it attaches itself to a plant stalk and a great transformation begins to take place.
As the little creature emerges out of the water it begins to shed the skin of its old life and emerges into the warm sunlight as a new creature.
The dragonfly is born out of the water with a beautiful new colourful body and flies off to enjoy life in the bright new world above the dark cold water.
We are like the dragonfly when we emerge from the waters of the font. We leave our old life behind and are born into the Church family, precious children of God, new creatures shining brightly with the generous love of God.
St George of England Parish Church, Church Square, Toddington, Bedfordshire, LU5 6BP. CONTACT USFACEBOOK